Do You Want to Marry Him?

Almost everyday I sit outside this vendor stall and talk with Mama R and Mama S. 
Normally the conversations are just about life in general, getting to know the culture, building relationships, or me learning new Portuguese words, but one day last week, with a few extra ladies, things got interesting:

(Roughly translated from Portuguese)
"Rachel, do you want to marry that guy over there?" Mama R asked suddenly.
'That guy' was a local who had called out the first week "I want to marry that white girl!"
I groaned inwardly. After already being frustrated on that topic earlier in the day with someone else I wasn't in the mood to deal with it again.
"Is he a Christian?" I paused and waited for the expected shake of her head. "I already told Mama S last week (looking her way) that I need to marry a Christian, a man of the church."
"Eh, church is very important to you isn't it?!"
"Yes, church is important to me. God is important to me because He saved me."
"He saved you from what?"
"He saved me from my sins."
Mama R had been sitting very close, but upon hearing these words she jerked away, asking warily: "you have sins?!"
"Yes, I have sins, everyone in the world has sin, but God has forgiven me of my sins."
"He has forgiven you?"
"Do you feel forgiven?"
"Yes, I feel forgiven, I know for sure I am forgiven, that I have eternal life, and that one day I am going to live with God in heaven."
Another lady corrected a mistake in my Portuguese and the conversation moved to other things. But I could see a few of them pondering what I had said. 
Praise God for putting those words in my mouth despite my previous frustration! 
Pray that the Truth was planted in their hearts and, Lord willing, might bear fruit someday.


  1. God will send the right one if you pray for that. Sometimes God also answers our prayers before we ask. You had good answers for her. Stay strong.


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