Perspective on Goodbyes

Yesterday I said goodbye to some of my relatives. Tomorrow I will say goodbye to my parents at the Chicago-O'Hare airport and I'm not sure when I'll see them again. Maybe in two years. Maybe they will come visit me next summer. Who really knows in these uncertain times. 

I do know I will miss my dad's bear hugs. I will miss my mom's amazing home cooking. I will miss playing games with them or sitting between them on the couch to watch a movie. I will miss visiting my grandparents, going out to lunch with my aunt, and taking a walk with my friends.

I love this picture of my parents and the time I've spent with them these past months.

As I say these goodbyes, I'm thankful for the relationship I have with my family and friends. Thankful for what each of them means to me. But I also look ahead, to the people I will be ministering to. A speaker I heard this week reminded me of why I'm going.

Someone shared the Gospel with this man in the early '90s and he decided to follow Jesus. His family declared him dead to them because of their religion. They held a funeral, buried an empty casket, and placed a tombstone over the grave with his name on it. He has not seen nor spoken to his family for as long as I have been alive. Can you imagine?

If someone in northern Mozambique from a non-Christian background believes in Jesus, they face a similar threat of being kicked out or beaten by their family. They look elsewhere for comfort and encouragement. Tomorrow I say goodbye to my family and board an airplane so I might be a part of a growing spiritual family in Mozambique needing God's comfort and encouragement.


  1. God has blessed you with many special moments with family & friends!! Love the picture of your dad & mom holding hands as they walk down a train track. :) Prayers for you as you travel to your home of Mozambique to be a part of a growing spiritual family there. Love & Prayers, your friends, Dave & Deb :) HUGS!

  2. We will be praying for you as you move in with your life, saying "Goodbyes" to those dear
    to you. God bless, guide, and use you as you continue your faith journey with Him.

  3. Thanking God for your courage and determination to leave your loved ones and bring God's love and light to these dear people who are doomed without it!!

  4. Since goodbyes are never easy, and quite painful at times, an elderly couple told me that at their age they don’t say “goodbye” they say, “well, if we don’t see each other soon, we’ll see you in Glory!” Wow!! How cool is that!! Now I know that we’re not “of that age”, but it’s a more enlightening way to say good bye! Maybe us younger ones could come up with our own replacement phrase for good bye!! And as hard as it is for your parents to see their girl leave, they are all fully aware, and understand, as you are as well, that you’re absolutely, without a shadow of a doubt, where God wants you to be!!
    Dean & Jacki

    1. Mm, that is a good way to "say goodbye." Eternal perspective, the hope of glory. :)
      Yes, my parents do understand, which makes it that much easier.


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