The Orange Zone

The AIM Crisis Consultant Manager moved the status of the Pemba team up because of the situation in northern Mozambique. We are now in the orange zone. What does that mean for me?

Green Zone = Relax

        Yellow Zone = Be Alert

                Orange Zone = Be on High Alert

                        Red Zone = Seek Safety Immediately

This information in no way hinders my desire to return and share the Gospel with the Mwani people. It does, however, mean I need to be prepared when I go back. My counselor and I started discussing what it will take for me to live under such conditions.

First and foremost God must be central to any plans I come up with or my plans will fall flat on their face. God's Word is a solid foundation and has never failed me, so I started thinking: What does the Bible say about avoiding danger vs. facing danger?

A time to avoid:

 * Believers fled persecution in Jerusalem after Stephen's stoning and the Gospel spread.

 * The Jews in Damascus plotted to kill Paul, but the disciples helped him escape over the city wall in a basket.

 * Jesus' claim to be God angered the Jews and they tried to stone Him, but He hid Himself from them.

A time to face:

 * Jesus rode into Jerusalem knowing He would be killed within a week.

 * Peter and John were told not to preach in Jesus' name, but they continued to do so boldly and were flogged.

 * Paul went to Jerusalem despite being warned that he would be arrested and sent to prison in Rome.

A time may come when the door to Pemba will close for me, but it is not that time yet. A time may come when strong, Mwani believers will continue the work on their own, but it is not that time yet. A time will come when the Great Commission will be complete, but it is not that time yet.

Now is the time to return to Pemba to share the Gospel with the Mwani people. Now is the time to stand firm in the strength of the Lord. Now is the time to stride into the Orange Zone and be on the alert until God says otherwise.


  1. Rachel, we are praying for the situation in Pemba right now and for the safety of the people. God will direct you when it is the best time for you to return. Prayerfully, your friends, Dave & Deb :)


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