Community of Hope

What good can come from violent attacks and burned villages?


A few Mwani believers lived throughout the northern villages of Mozambique. Due to the attacks, the believers have now converged on Pemba. They gather for worship, Bible study, and fellowship on a regular basis.

Gathering of Mwani believers

What can be given to those whose daughters were kidnapped? Or to those who huddle on beaches because their homes were destroyed?

A Community of Hope.

My team leaders in Pemba are seeing a community of hope begin to form. They host the fellowship of Mwani believers every Saturday. They invited neighbors over to watch the Jesus Film in Kimwani. (A powerful presentation of Jesus' death, resurrection, and His promised return.) What better way to cultivate hope than in a community? Especially in a culture where community means everything.

Neighbors watching the Jesus Film

I grieve over what is happening in northern Mozambique. I mourn with those who lost loved ones and homes. Yet, I rejoice that God is forming a community of hope in the midst of suffering. While I long to be there, I know I must wait for God's timing.


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