Being Vulnerable

Life comes in phases. Sometimes it's really hard. Sometimes it's really good. In the midst of it all, God is always there.

This past week felt extra busy helping get the new family settled in. It's a joy to have them here and to feel like a more complete team. 

That being said, in all honesty, this week was also really challenging. It slowly sunk in that I am the only non-Brazilian, non-married, non-parent on the team right now. And I've been living alone in this big house for 6 months.

It's hard to cook for one person. It's hard to have to eat alone.

Yet God can use anything for His glory. 
My language helper and friend, Mama R, knows everything I have faced this year (cyclone, house issues, typhoid, etc). As we were having a conversation about this week and how I was feeling I mentioned that I'm still happy with my life.

She was surprised. 
How could I be happy with everything that has happened and feeling lonely?
I responded that's it's because of God.

Yes, there are days that I cry, but I know that I am exactly where God wants me right now, in every aspect, and He will bring honor to His name through my life.

I have the hope of eternal life spent in the presence of the Lord and the privilege of showing that to people like Mama R. That's what gets me through the hard days. Feeling God's presence in my life, carrying me through, and using people like you as physical reminders of His love for me.

My teammates have been wonderful, other missionaries in town have invited me over, people in the community often share food with me, and I can feel everyone praying for me.

Praise God for His goodness, even when we don't fully understand His purposes.


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