Youth Conference Adventures

I stepped out of the bus and stared wide-eyed at the huge building across the street, teeming with youth coming and going in preparation for the conference.
I had no idea the conference was going to be that big. There was somewhere around 1,500 youth from all over the country, just within one church denomination!

What a privilege to be able to participate and learn from that conference!

  • I learned about the culture, both church culture and Mozambican culture
  • I learned personally from the speakers
  • I saw how the youth of the future are being raised up and challenged
  • I gleaned ideas for how to follow through with individuals from my church
  • I visited and encouraged friends from Word of Life camp two years ago and was myself encouraged and blessed to be with those friends again
  • We got stuck on the return trip for FOUR hours and I only staggered into my house at 3:00am exhausted
  • To top it off I got Typhoid Fever. Thank God I took the vaccine in January so the symptoms are almost non-existent. I'm already on medicine and feel fine.
  • I'm still processing all God allowed me to learn and observe on this Youth Conference Adventure

 Word of Life friends from two years ago
 Anabella, a dear friend
Conference friends


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