Who then is this?

"No, I'm not going to my church in Chibubware tomorrow," I told Mama R, "I'm going to the missionary fellowship to teach the children a story."
"I want to hear the story."
"Okay, but I'll need to practice it in Portuguese first."
Monday I practiced the story in Portuguese with my guard's wife (a Christian) and she gave me some pointers.

"Lord, thank you for this opportunity. May Mama R learn about who You are through this story."
I took my Child Evangelism Fellowship flashcard book in hand and walked towards her house.
I met her on the street, sitting with Mama S...
"Okay Lord, I wasn't expecting to do it on the street...."

"What do you have?" Mama R asked.
"The story I told the kids yesterday. I just practiced it in Portuguese so I could tell you."
"I'm ready," she responded; Mama S leaned in.
(Here goes, Lord)

"Imagine you are down there on the beach," I pointed, "and it's full of people listening to a man in a boat. He's teaching them many things about God. But this isn't just any man. It's Jesus, with His disciples."

Mama R flung her eyes open (from imagining the scene) and stopped me.
"This isn't a story. This is real. It really happened. It's not a story."

I was dumbfounded for a second.
"Well, yes, it really happened, it's a true story."
"But you can't call it a story. It's true, it really happened."
"What else can I call it?"

"I don't know, but it's real, it happened."

"Okay, let's agree with that and I'll continue to tell it."

I proceeded to tell the story of Jesus calming the storm. (but wow, Lord, she knows this is true, that it really happened).
"Jesus disciples asked, 'Who then is this, that even the wind and the sea obey Him?' That question is for us as well: who is Jesus, that even creation obeys Him? Think about that... To me, He is my Savior, who died on the cross for my sins and came back to life three days later."

"But is he God or the Son of God?" Mama R asked (not for the first time). 
We discussed this for a few minutes then they wanted to look at my book. They wanted to see all of the other pictures and know what those stories were. I told them a summary of each story, including a full, Gospel presentation. They kept looking through it and asking questions. 

I realized my Portuguese is still limited to be able to share certain truths, but I thank God for this incredible opportunity to share the Truth of who He is from His Word.
May they continue to ponder what they heard and the Holy Spirit draw them to Himself. 


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