New House!

I've moved into my new house! :D
It belongs to the mission (AIM), but for now I get to call it home :)
And it's already beginning to feel like a home...

Last week we thought everything was ready, so I moved in, but my Unit Leader had to deal with a few, unexpected headaches: no water, electrical problems, some corruption, etc. 
I am grateful to him for handling those problems before he left today.

It feels strange to be living in such a big house by myself, but my teammate, Lauren, will join me after she finishes language school in Brazil.

When God blesses us with something, it's important to use that to bless others.
I pray this will be a place of peace and light in this community.
A place where the truth will go out from.
A place of ministering to others and offering words of hope.
A place where lives will be changed because of the death and Resurrection of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.


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