Cyclone Keneth: Prayer Needed!

There is a cyclone approaching northern Mozambique, details are still unclear but Pemba (where I am) will be affected in some way. In the case that I lose communication for a few days:

I’ve decided to stay even though the other family I was here with decided to leave. I had no peace about leaving, but felt peace with my decision to stay. I am the only AIM missionary here now, but I have a satellite phone to communicate with my leaders in Kenya and there are other missionaries in the city if I need help.
I decided to stay because I am worried about my friends in Chibubware, a dangerous place to be when a lot of rain falls (because of the chance of mudslide) and because it felt strange to even consider leaving when I just arrived. How could I flee at the first sign of uncomfortableness? Why I am here if not for times such as this? To help others, to shine the light of the Gospel, to be God’s hands and feet to those who need it.

Instead of worrying about me, please pray and entrust this situation in the hands of our loving, and sovereign God. Pray for:

  • Protection (not just me, but others who will be affected by this cyclone)
  • Peace in the midst of the storm
  • Guidance (what to do, how to help)
  • Dependence on the Lord/Trust in Him


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