Introducing Lauren

Praise God for allowing my teammate, Lauren, and I to spend the weekend together in a cross-cultural setting in a major city in preparation for working together in Mozambique! She and I will be sharing a home among the Mwani people in Pemba so spending the weekend with her was a tangible reminder of my imminent departure January 8.

We had a variety of experiences and learned so much that we, unfortunately, forgot to take a good picture of the two of us together.

(some treats Lauren and I tried in one of the shops in the area)

My favorite time from the weekend was sitting in a home Friday afternoon getting to know a lady and 6 of her 8 children. Her English was limited and she did not know us prior to our visit and yet she strove to make us feel welcome and comfortable in her home.

(the restaurant where we ate lunch Saturday, trying new foods we've never tried before)

We experienced feeling like outsiders, observed many different cultures, and had several good conversations with people from other countries.

We did not have to go far.
God is bringing the Unreached to reachable places.
Lauren and I are excited about moving to Mozambique to reach the Mwani people, but ministry in nearby cities is equally important. 
Will you reach out to those near you who do not know Jesus as their Savior?


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