A Rainy Blessing...

Rain: I do not like rainy days normally, I much prefer the sun, but I was thankful for it on Thursday because of the unexpected opportunity. We arrived for ministry at Zandspruit like the other Thursday afternoons but this time there were no kids greeting our vehicle. The rain had caused all of them to stay in their little class areas which meant each teacher taught the lesson to their own class. I got placed as a helper with the cute grade 2's :) The teacher did an excellent job explaining the importance of the Word of God and the kids really seemed to listen and understand. Afterwards she opened it up to questions and one boy raised his hand "the devil and God are not the same." After making sure he was making a statement and not a quetion she asked why they are not the same. A little girl responded in all innocence "because they are not friends." It made me smile at the honesty and simplicity of her reasoning. 

KHS: I continue to love the ministry at KHS with the grade 10 girls. We jumped from 1 girl last week to 6 girls this week. Neo was back but she had a headache and didn't talk much. The other girls also needed a refresher of the simplicity of the gospel. This time I started in Isaiah 64:4 and went to Romans 6:23 to compare our lost state with God's grace. I wanted to focus on the hope we can have in Christ despite our sin. We were unable to finish the conversation due to time. I'm very thankful that I get to see them every week and build a relationship with them. 

Fun Fact: I successfully made goode tasting, homemade mac'n'chees! :) (after two previously failed attempts)


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