Piya Vinu

This little blue book is wonderful. It's full of explanations and teachings about God, the Bible, and Bible stories. It's definitely written like a children's book, but I've been using it for other things. :)

I use it to practice reading in Kimwani once a week with my language helper (no, I do not understand everything I read, but that's why I'm working on it).
Our house help knows that I practice reading this with my language helper and she asked me on Thursday to read it to her while she was cleaning. 

When I got to this page, talking about sin, she had a hard time answering the question at the bottom of the page and I had not understood it very clearly.
"We're all sinners," I commented, thinking it answered the question. She responded in surprise and a nervous laugh, and told me that couldn't be the answer to the question because who wants to sin?!
I realized there was a miscommunication so I decided to switch to the Portuguese Bible because then I could understand better to explain to her.

We looked at a few verses in Romans and then talked for a while about Isaiah 53. We are all sinners and that is exactly why Jesus had to die on the cross. Only He could, because He is the only one who has never sinned, because He is God.

We ended talking briefly about the future new heavens and new earth where there will be no more death, sorrow, crying, or pain and the best part is that God will live among His people, they will be in His presence. Unfortunately, she thinks everyone will go to heaven when they die, because why wouldn't God allow that. It's a difficult concept to grasp, that not everyone will go to heaven, because of sin and the question of belief in Jesus.
Pray that the Holy Spirit would open her eyes to understand this truth and that He would call her to Himself.


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