Faith like a Child

For months I've been praying for Mama R's salvation, but also for the salvation of her family: her husband and four kids. This past month I've prayed extra for her newborn baby. That he might have the chance to grow up in a Christian family, with parents who love the Lord and teach him to walk in God's ways.

A precious baby. Innocent in the ways of the world and completely dependent on others. I gaze at him in wonder and think of Psalm 139:13-16. God formed this tiny human, knitted him together in Mama R's womb, and knows what his life will bring.
He often sleeps peacefully in my arms, without a care in the world, trusting that I will hold him safe.

Oh that his siblings and parents could have a similar faith in God. That they might rest peacefully in His arms, knowing that He will hold them fast.

On Wednesday, his oldest brother A__ was practicing English with me while we walked to the mechanics but suddenly he changed subjects:
"What is Natal?" he asked, using a Portuguese word.
"Natal is Christmas," I responded, thinking we were still talking about English.
"But what is Christmas?" he pushed.
Oh, I finally got it. "Christmas is when we celebrate Jesus' birth," he nodded in recognition to my words so I asked, "do you know why Jesus was born?" Receiving a negative I gave him a brief summary of who Jesus is, why He was born, his life, leading up to his death. A__ interrupted me...
"I like the part of His resurrection better."
"It is definitely the better part," I responded, a bit surprised.
"But not everyone believes He resurrected," A__ continued.
"True..." I was taken completely off guard and wasn't sure how to respond for a second... "A__, do you believe Jesus came back to life after He died?" I asked curiously.
"Yes I do," came the reply. My heart leaped for joy and then sunk; we had already arrived at the mechanic and there was no time for follow-up.

Please pray for A__, and the rest of that family, that they might have faith like a child. As I write this I think of Jesus words: "Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven." Matthew 18:3
May they come to trust, wholeheartedly, in the King of kings and Lord of lords with their hearts and lives.


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