
"Do you understand why Jesus died on the cross?" I asked her after listening to the end of John and the beginning of Acts in Kimwani.
"No," my house help answered as we finished cleaning the bedrooms.
In my not-so-perfect Portuguese vocabulary I tried explaining that Jesus had died on the cross for us. We are sinners deserving of punishment, but Jesus, God-in-flesh, took our punishment for us. Three days later He came back to life again, and anyone who believes in Jesus, as God, for the forgiveness of their sins, is forgiven and has eternal life.
She understood perfectly what I was trying to say and even helped fill in some of the important vocabulary words I had forgotten in Portuguese.
I asked her if she knew what will happen when she dies, she responded no.
I told her I know that when I die I will go to heaven because I believe in who Jesus is and what He did on the cross. I explained to her that this is the only real difference between her and I. If she believes in Jesus as her Saviour, we will be the same, equals in the family of God.
Pray that she will believe.

The subject came up several times this week.
It's not fair that I get special treatment, or am considered better, or can get something faster simply because of the colour of my skin.
I'm trying to teach people, through words and actions, that we are all the same, created equals in the eyes of our loving, Creator God.
The only real difference between people is their salvation, where will they spend eternity?
A right standing before God is what matters.

What was the first thing you saw when you looked at this picture? The differences between us? Or did you notice that we are all wearing the same style dress?


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