
Showing posts from October, 2018

Why Pray?

It's a fun illustration, but it's also reality. It's why we lift one another up in prayer; we don't always know what the other person may be going through.  It's returning the blessing we've received, or passing it on to others. Many of you know I am asking people to pray Colossians 1:9-11 for me, especially once I move to Mozambique and start building relationships with the Mwani people. But when verse 9 came up in my devotions this morning I realized it's an important two-way street. How can I ask people to pray fervently for me if I'm not praying adequately for others?  I am seeking to grow more and more in the area of prayer, my weakest area in the spiritual disciplines. "And so, from the day we heard, we have not ceased to pray for you, asking that you may be filled with the knowledge of His will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding..." Colossians 1:9   Prayer is what unites us as the body of Christ and draws...

Discovering through Stories

You have 5 minutes... Go! "Wow, you cut your finger tips on a table saw? ... And you went right back the next day and kept working?! Why? ... Hmm, because you really like building things as a carpenter. That's fascinating. You know that reminds me of a story..." Switch! "Your daughter-in-law had to send her two kids away to be taken care of by other people while she had surgery? That must have been hard for her. Can I share a story with you about a similar situation?" ... Switch Again! "You've been really busy lately? Do you feel tired, worn out, or maybe wishing someone else could help you with your tasks? I know a story that might help..." That speed storying round was a fun way for 20+ people to close off a long Simply the Story workshop. It showed us how to connect what we had learned to everyday conversations with those around us. A way to bring spiritual truths into ordinary situations. Speed storying, though, wa...

Ladies Luncheon

This weekend I have the privilege of participating in the missions conference at my grandma's church. Along with teaching the kid's Sunday School hour tomorrow morning and then sharing in the evening service, I was able to share my heart with a group of ladies today, including many prayer warriors. These ladies  wanted to know specific, personal prayer requests they could be praying. One of the things I was able to share was from this week: I had been discouraged on Tuesday about my monthly support, not knowing how I would get to 100% by December 13, AIM's financial clearance date for me. My friend exhorted me to spend extra time in God's Word and prayer which I was able to do Wednesday and Thursday. I could feel God changing my attitude and focusing me in a better direction.  Support raising is not dependent on my efforts.  If I try in my own strength I will fail, but if I depend on Him and look to Him to provide, He will - in His time and in His way. And He is...

Introducing Lauren

Praise God for allowing my teammate, Lauren, and I to spend the weekend together in a cross-cultural setting in a major city in preparation for working together in Mozambique! She and I will be sharing a home among the Mwani people in Pemba so spending the weekend with her was a tangible reminder of my imminent departure January 8. We had a variety of experiences and learned so much that we, unfortunately, forgot to take a good picture of the two of us together. (some treats Lauren and I tried in one of the shops in the area) My favorite time from the weekend was sitting in a home Friday afternoon getting to know a lady and 6 of her 8 children. Her English was limited and she did not know us prior to our visit and yet she strove to make us feel welcome and comfortable in her home. (the restaurant where we ate lunch Saturday, trying new foods we've never tried before) We experienced feeling like outsiders, observed many different cultures, and had severa...