Through Children's Eyes

Three blonde kids sat around me on the floor that evening. They leaned against me as we watched the short video about the people I will be living among in northern Mozambique. Question after question came at me about the people and why I was going and what would I be doing. One still haunts me:

"You mean they don't obey Jesus?!" he asked incredulously. 

He asked with such innocence and surprise.
His tone stated the importance of obeying Jesus, the Son of God.
He could not imagine why they would live in disobedience to Jesus. 
"No," I replied, "they do not obey Jesus, they do not even know who Jesus really is or what He has done for them. That is why I am going, to tell them about Jesus."

He and his sisters were satisfied. They had asked their questions, they understood why I would be moving to Africa. They accepted why they will not see me again for almost five years. They gave me big hugs before they went to go get ready for bed each clutching my "picture" (prayer card).

My entire visit in Iowa with family last weekend was enjoyable but that evening with those three was extra special. 
I had seen the Mwani people through children's eyes; that one question searing itself into my heart.
"Rachel, they do not obey Me because they do not know Me, so Go and tell them."

"How then will they call on Him in whom they have not believed?
And how are they to believe in Him of whom they have never heard?"
Romans 10:14


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