Legacy Conference


There is a glocalization happening in our world that is shaking things up. This "shuffling of peoples is exposing Muslims to Christianity" by bringing Muslims into contact with Christian communities and bringing Christians into contact with Muslim communities. God has placed almost all Christians into one of those two positions. 
I attended the Legacy conference in Dearborn to learn more about reaching Muslims with the Gospel in preparation for going to Mozambique in January. The concept of Glocal ("reflecting or characterized by both local and global considerations," Oxford Dictionaries) was brought up and it affects all of us.


Christians who come in contact with Muslims (or people of other religious backgrounds) can look for ways to engage with them such as:

  • Showing Hospitality (especially involving food)
  • Fellowshiping
  • Helping them learn English
  • Caring for their needs
  • Visiting them in their homes
  • Bringing them to church
  • Praying for them: "If you pray for people, you'll learn to love them"
  • Sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ which transcends culture

"85% of Christians from Muslim backgrounds say
the love of Christians attracted them to Christ"

It is important to engage with others in friendship for Christ's sake and expose them to the love of God and the Truth of His Word. But it is equally important not to stop there.


One of the speakers at the conference said "evangelism without discipleship is a waste of time." What good is it to establish relationships, to make a difference in someone's life, if it will not last?  The Great Commission in Matthew 28:19-20 says to "make disciples... teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you." The goal in engaging with others either here in the U.S. or across the globe is to see fruit that will last into Eternity. What a joy it would be to welcome a Christian of Muslim background into the Body of Christ whether here in the U.S. or in Mozambique and to teach them what it means to be a true follower of Jesus Christ!


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