Mom on Mission & Language Cafe

Mom on mission:
Every morning we would sit and listen as she read a passage from the Bible, answer the questions she asked us about it, and then after she prayed she would read from another book. It was almost always a story about a missionary reaching out to people with the Gospel. Stories like Amy Carmichael, Hudson Taylor, Brother Andrew, Peace Child, and Bruchko. Those stories inspired and challenged me. 
God used my mom to instill in me a love and a desire for missions, a dream that some day I would become a full-time missionary somewhere in the world. Now I am seeing that dream become a reality as I prepare to go as a full-time missionary to northern Mozambique with Africa Inland Mission.
Thank you, Mom, for being faithful to teach me to love God and desire to be on mission for Him.

Language Cafe:
After asking her what her favorite Bible story was and being able to share how that story fit into God's great Redemption story she asked me what my favorite Bible story was. I had to stop and think...
"I like a lot of the stories, one of my favorites is about Paul. He used to persecute Christians thinking he was doing the right thing, but then God changed his life and he began telling everyone about it. He wanted to share God's story with others, especially those who had never heard it before, and that's what I want to do."
"How are you going to do that?" she asked.
"I'm going to Africa next year to share the Gospel with others."
"How long will you be there?"
"For the rest of my life."
Shock hit her hard. Silence. Tears formed in her eyes as she understood what that would mean for me. We had talked earlier about how much she misses her family and friends and is looking forward to seeing them soon. Now she knew that I will soon be saying goodbye to all the people I love here and how much I am going to miss them.
Finally she asked, "Why? Why do you want to go?" 
"Because God is everything to me, I have a relationship with Him and I want to tell others how they can also have a relationship with Him. Here there are many churches and people can read the Bible, but where I am going this is not true. I can't keep the Good News to myself, I want to share it with others."


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