AIM Connect Week

Connect Week:
16 Candidates assembled in the room that first morning not knowing what to expect. Was anyone prepared to receive a 60+ item checklist? Or to run around an office building taking crazy pictures? Or to hear a heart-wretching story of a mother watch her little girl cling desperately to her grandma before saying goodbye and boarding the airplane? Or to unlock a secret about time? (curious? see below)

Connect week was an unforgettable experience. I connected with AIM staff and the other 15 candidates, made new friends as well as connected with old, family friends. The week was packed with information, each night I got back to my room and tried to process everything I had learned that day. Practical, useful, eye-opening, and more for missionary and non-missionary alike.

Did Africa Inland Mission accept me as a full-time missionary? Find out in next weeks blog or subsribe to receive my bi-monthly e-newlsetter to get the insider scoop. (comment, message, or email me to subscribe)

Africans talk about time opposite of people in the West. To Africans, the future is coming up from behind them, passing and becoming history in front of them. Sound strange? Think about it, can you see what is behind you? Can you see the future? Do you know what is going to happen or do you know what has already happened? Westerners think they stand facing the future, but Africans know the future is hidden until it has become history. 


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