Accepted by AIM. Reaching the Unreached.

I have been accepted by Africa Inland Mission as a full-time missionary! 😄

Emotions of excitement and anticipation swirl around my mind when I think about this and all the possibilities it contains. I thank God for leading me to this point and all the people who encouraged, walked with me, and helped make it possible. 

Africa Inland Mission has presented four assignment/location options for me to pray through and decide on. Each of them has a particular focus on Unreached People Groups (UPG's are less than 2% Christian). They are all good options but one has especially piqued my interest. I will be hearing back from AIM this next week with more details about this particular opportunity.
Will you pray with me about where God would have me serve as a full-time missionary?

The Unreached
Many Unreached Peoples are within reach, in cities and universities, around you and I. Several churches have outreaches to them, like the English Cafe I have been volunteering at here in West Michigan. People from places like Japan, China, Saudi Arabia, and Iran come to practice their conversational English. In those countries it is very difficult, even prohibited, to talk about Jesus but here it is possible.
They want to know what Easter is about.
They long for freedom, for hope, for belonging, for meaning and purpose.
Jesus is the Answer
He died to set the captive free, His resurrection from the dead gives hope, believers in Jesus belong to God's family, God brings meaning and purpose into His children's lives.
How can you reach out to them?


  1. Praying for you as you figure out this next step. So cool to get reacquainted with you as an adult! :)


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