The only thing I want in life...

"The only thing I want in life, is to be known for loving Christ."
The Cause of Christ
By Kari Jobe

My personality is polar opposite of Peter's. He was a bold, rash, extreme, intense, all-or-nothing kind of guy. I am quiet, reserved, balanced, and thoughtful. Yet in the midst of these differences I have seen myself in Peter through studying his life this past week with a few other young women. 

Peter was an uneducated, common man but he made the decision to follow Jesus (Luke 5:11). Even after this decision he had many ups and downs: he walked on water, denied Jesus 3 times, and confessed Jesus as the Son of God. In every instance God was working in Peter's life to grow him in maturity. The study ended with a confrontation between the religious leaders, responsible for Jesus' death, and Peter (and John). Despite the leaders' warnings Peter boldly proclaimed the Truth. The religious leaders were astonished because these men, Peter and John, were uneducated, common men which led them to this:

Would others say this about me? Do they recognize that I have spent time with Jesus (through the Bible and prayer)? I made the decision to follow Jesus with my whole life like Peter did in Luke 5:11. Now, like Peter, God is using circumstances to grow and mature me (Rom. 8:28-29). More and more God is making me more like His Son, Jesus, so that others will be able to say "she has been with Jesus." 
What about you? Have you made the decision to follow Jesus? Are you growing in the Lord? Do others see Jesus in you?


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