Ministering through the pain

I was sitting on a couch in the lobby last night while all the youth from 6 different churches worshipped inside the auditorium. After a long, stressful, exhausting day my stomach and head decided to hurt. I was beginning to wonder why I had gone to the youth combine when one of our girls came out and sat by me. It started as a casual conversation but I felt the Lord urging me to go deeper. I was not sure how until she started talking about her friend's struggle and I saw how I could connect it. 
"Let me ask you two questions that you can ask your friend, but first I want you to answer. On a scale from 0-100 how sure are you that you are going to heaven when you die?"
"I think 50% because I'm not perfect but I've been a good person."
"Next question: you're standing before the gates of heaven and God asks you why He should let you in, what would you say?"
Her answer was very uncertain and works based. She said nothing about Jesus as the only One who could save her from her sins. I challenged her to think about John 3:16 and what it really meant. Did she really believe it? She has been going to church her whole life and knows a lot about the Bible, but has no personal relationship with God. 
Just as we got to this point in the conversation the music ended and the speaker was about to share the message. She wanted to go back in with everyone else and listen so I told her to think about those questions. I pray God uses those seeds to work in her heart and that me or another leader will have a chance to follow up with her soon. 
I thank God for the strength and courage He gave me to reach into this girls life with the truth of the gospel. It is encouraging that even when I am weak He is strong and able to use me. Pouring into someone else is always rewarding. 
Are you willing to look past your own needs to see the needs of others? Do you allow God to work through you in the midst of your busy life or struggles? He wants to use you. 


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