Couch Cushions

Alexandra and I sat on two couch cushions and talked in the seminary/office/church building on Wednesday. I was sharing with her, “After the camp in April last year where we met I struggled spiritually and did not read my Bible as often as I knew I should…” she interrupted,” how often do you try to read your Bible?” “Every day,” I responded, “but I am not perfect.” Her eyes widened in shock, “EVERY DAY?!?” I tried to explain that this is a habit every Christian must learn, but it comes in levels.

To illustrate my point I used the couch cushions we were sitting on. “This cushion has a crowd of people who either do not believe in God or know about Him but have not believed in Him to save them from their sins. This valley in between cushions is the point where a person decides to make that decision.” Alexandra interrupted again, “I’m on that side of the cushion.” For her to say this openly and honestly is huge! Last year in April at the English Camp, when she was in my cabin, she knew how to say the right words because she thought it was expected of her, but without understanding.  
I continued with the illustration, “After a person makes this decision they are on the other cushion, but now they are on a journey. At first they will not understand and be able to do everything, but as time passes they grow in their relationship with the Lord. For example, a Christian of one year might only read her Bible 2-3 days a week, but a Christian of 10 years knows she should be reading her Bible every day, but it takes time and effort to build this habit.” Understanding shone from her eyes and the conversation turned.

She has agreed to meet with me once a week for discipleship. I thank the Lord for this opportunity and to see the light of His Word begin to bring understanding to her heart. Yet there is still something holding her back. To have this level of open, honest communication is good. I have no expectations for her to meet; I do not want to expect anything from her she is not able to meet. We just talk and wrestle through questions. Please continue to pray with me for wisdom in this relationship. 


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