Thanksgiving and goodbyes

Today we celebrated Thanksgiving on the Word of Life South Africa property with about 50 people (staff, students, and family members). It was a great day, great food, and great people to spend it with. Sadly this was one of my last days with everyone. I leave early Monday morning for Mozambique, saying goodbye to all I have known here for almost a year. I have grown close to so many people, it is hard to say goodbye.

I am thankful for...
... My year in South Africa. This country is very diverse and filled with many cultures.What a privilege to have called this home for almost a year. 
... The students I have lived, worked, and learned with and from. I am so proud of them, for all the hard work they have put into this year and have watched them grow closer to the Lord and each other. 
... The interns and staff I have worked alongside of and learned from. 
... The ministries I have been able to be involved in over the course of this year. The people I have met and the experiences I have had through the various opportunities. Thursday was my last day at Zandspruit where I have gone for ministry every week I have lived in South Africa. 
... My Honeyridge church. I have been blessed by this church, especially being involved with the youth. Tomorrow will be my last day attending and seeing most of them for a while. I hope to come back and visit next year, Lord willing. 
... The upcoming opportunity to minister in Mozambique. I will have just less than a month with them and am excited to see everyone again and help with their three summer camps. 
... My family who I will get to see in one month for Christmas. 

Most importantly, I am thankful for what God has done in my life this year. He has been with me through thick and thin and taught me a lot about Him and living for Him. 


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