There and Back Again...

"Neverless, not my will but Your will be done" (Luke 22:42)

This was my prayer all week because I asked to go back to Durban again. I had several reasons for asking, but also knew there were benefits for staying in the Jo'burg area. Since both were good options I prayed this prayer, put in my request, and left the results with God. 

When I found out the answer was a "Yes" to come back to Durban I knew it was because God wants me here. I arrived back in Durban yesterday afternoon. I am excited to be here to connect better with people, be an encouragement to them, and be able to practice my Portuguese more.

I will be staying with the Hawkins for about two weeks and already have been blessed. I spent time in the home of Portuguese speakers from Angola yesterday and was able to practice a lot with Isabel who was very patient with me. At youth last night I filled in for one of the small group leaders and two of the girls had lots of deep questions. Today I went along on a Youth Training that Uncle Brad and Aunty Mary were teaching.

Praying Luke 22:42 this week was a huge blessing. I knew, no matter what answer I received, God would be honored and I would be content. You might think, "that's easy for you to say, you got what you wanted." While I waited three days for the answer I was not worried but waited with peace in my heart. Now that I am in Durban I know I have a purpose which is keeping me focused.

Do you pray verses?


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