SMASH, Durban Style

21  people on the SMASH team (youth + leaders)
136 children registered for Holiday Bible Club (HBC)
40+ Salvations!

Everyone here wecolmed me with open arms and hearts and made this week so wonderful. We traveled 3 hrs south of Durban where we served a church in Kokstad by running a Holiday Bible Club in the morings and helping with several projects for them in the afternoons. 
I helped with the little kids, grades R-2, during HBC. They were cute kids and even though they did not all speak English they were thoroughly enjoying themselves. Their eyes sparkled with laughter as they watched Captain Crash try to apply the Bible lesson and their smiles lit up as they sung and danced to the songs. I know what they learned this past week will stick with them and encourage them.
Along with working alongside the youth during the afternoon projects I also got to help Aunty Mary in the kitchen for dinner and breakfast all week and oversaw the meal crews.

Cindy: Monday morning I was introduced to a lady and told she would be helping clean in the kitchen and other areas. She was very quiet, but a diligent worker. I slowly got to know her and build a relationship with her. On Thursday she told me she had been nervous at first but after getting to know us she said we gave her hope. I could see a change in her. She was smiling more and seemed comfortable around us. This morning as we were leaving I ran and gave her a big hug. She was such a joy to get to know and serve alongside of and she has a special place in my heart. 


  1. It was a pleasure to serve alongside you this week, Rachel! Hoping we can do again sometime while you are still here with CCI. You were a blessing to us!

  2. Thank you Aunty Mary. Same with you and I hope so too.


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