School Holiday

School Holiday - South Africa schools are now on holiday break which means our weekly ministries are on hold. Our Discipleship Training Center students are also on break now, as of yesterday, and will not start their third term until August 1. It will be quiet without them here on property with us and I will miss them. 

Sleepover - To celebrate the end of term two we had a sleepover with all the girls last night. It was a great time fellowshipping and bonding with them. I appreciated the quality time even more since I will not have time like that with them until I return from Mozambique mid-August, even though I will still see them a little next week in the mornings. (side note: I will be going into MZ from July 17 till around August 17, but more on that later). 

HBC - I will be helping at Sandton Bible Church's Holiday Bible Club next week during the mornings with all of our students. HBC's are basically like Vacation Bible Schools in the U.S. with Bible stories, games, crafts, snacks, and songs. I am excited to help out and experience this here, especially thinking of all my friends back in Michigan who just finished the Child Evangelism Fellowship training to teach 5-Day Clubs. 
*Please be praying that the kids who attend HBC will hear, understand, and respond to God's Word and for strength and energy for all of us helping with the various roles. 


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