Holiday Bible Club (7/9/16)

"Rachel, you are helping with the Grade 2 boys." I was told on Monday morning. My face must have exposed my shocked reaction because the people around laughed at me. I was not prepared for that particular position while helping at Sandton Bible Church's Holiday Bible Club this past week. But looking back I have enjoyed every morning of interacting with the seven boys in my group: Daniel, Quinn, Ethan, Zakiya, Eden, Kewan, and Nathan. Daniel has a beautiful smile, Zakiya a sensitive soul, Ethan and Quinn love fun, Eden is quiet and gentle, and Nathan is bubbly; I loved talking to each one of them and pray they remember the lessons and verses they learned. 

Theme: Mission 3:16 - Every day we learned about a major world religion using the acronym THUMB to help us remember.
T - Tribal
H - Hinduism
U - Unreligious
M - Muslim
B - Buddhism 
The kids enjoyed the continuing skit portraying the battle between the good guys fighting for the Truth and the bad guys trying to spread lies against the Truth by promoting the different religions. I love how it illustrated Satan's deception behind each false religion. 

(this was supposed to be posted a long time ago, sorry)


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