Missions Conference

Word of Life Missions Conference is in full swing. We have first year students, second year students, CCI interns, Canadian students, and alumni all back to here God's Word from a missions perspective. Last night was the first session and our speaker was the regional director of South America. He spoke in Spanish while Chris Stout translated for him. Both men are passionate about God's Word and reaching other people with the gospel. 
Today I spent some great time catching up with friends I had not seen in a while. One of them was in Nicaragua for three months ministering to young ladies there with difficult backgrounds. It was great to here her perspective of living cross culturally. 
I leave the country on Tuesday! I'm definitely getting excited for warm weather and officially starting my cross cultural experience and ministering to the people in Africa.

Missions Challenge: Be United! We are One body, One church, under One Lord and Savior.


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