
Why do I doubt and worry and stress? Because life can seem stressful at times, especially when it came to car and insurance shopping this past week. I know intellectually that God is faithful, yet I revealed my doubt in Him by stressing myself out with worry. I found out, it was completely unnecessary.

My brother has been gracious enough to let me use his car while he finished his last year of college, but he graduates in a few weeks. My time to shop for a car was running short. What could I even afford in this current, inflated market? I stressed out about it last week. Then a gentleman from my new church called on Saturday, "I found a great car for you. A 2010 Subaru Forester in great condition and within your price range. You can go test drive it this afternoon."

I felt elated! I even laughed on my way to look at the car. I had joked with my dad weeks ago that a Subaru would be a nice size (not too big and not too small for the ministry) but the chances of that happening were slim to none. Yet, there I was checking out a Subaru in my ideal price range.

I loved the car, but I needed to get insurance before I could buy it. Despite God just coming through for me above and beyond what I had asked for in a car, I stressed out again.

How does one even begin looking for car insurance? No one enjoys it and I'm a complicated case right now. Having lived overseas these last few years my permanent US address is listed as my parent's house. But I'm currently living in a temp house at a church. I will be renting a house in Oak Park, but I don't have an address yet. The insurance agents I talked to either didn't understand this or were looking to cut corners. What to do?

After stressing out all day Tuesday I finally realized I should talk to God about it. I prayed, "God, why am I anxious, worried, and doubting you about this? You provided the perfect vehicle for me within my price range. You answered my prayers about a church last week (In one word: Church). The church is even hiring a new worship leader from Brazil. I'll have someone to speak Portuguese with which I longed for but didn't think I would have here. God, You have proven Yourself faithful over and over again. I know I can trust you. Please help me navigate this insurance problem."

The next morning I spoke with an agent my friend Kari referred me to. That lady found the best deal for me, patiently and kindly talked me through my new insurance policy step-by-step, line-by-line, and made sure I understood everything. She's a wonderful Christian lady so I'm not only getting a good deal but everything is above board. At the end of our phone call, she even said she would be praying Kari and I find a good house to rent together.

With insurance in hand, I went back to buy the car. Everything went smoothly and I'm now the proud owner of a Subaru! God's answers to my prayers this week have caused me to praise Him as He has reminded me of His great and marvelous character. As I know from experience, life isn't always easy or perfect so this week was a nice reminder that God sees me and knows my needs.

So why do I doubt and worry and stress? Because I'm human, but praise God He is gracious and patient with me. He remains the same, steadfast, unchanging, despite all of my ups and downs. He is faithful for He cannot deny Himself (2 Timothy 2:13). 


  1. I understand your worry and stress...I experienced that when our eldest son, Andrew, was to fly home from Korea where he had taught children, then high school boys in English. I had to take my mother hands off him (figuratively) and know that God would bring him home. He is home, has a good job at Don's Adopt a Car in Cadillac, and is now looking for a rental situation in Cadillac, so he doesn't have to drive from our house in Manton there. Thank you for your sharing..God is at work in your life, too, dear one.


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