Ninja Dogs

What do you do about your ninja dogs when you're on a different continent from them?


I felt like I'd been hit by a curveball after listening to Evelyn's ten-minute voice note. So much news. So much to process. I collapsed onto the dining room chair where my parents were working and summarized it for them.

"You need to do something about your dogs," Evelyn, my team leader's wife, had said. I focused on that first. I would process the rest later.

What to do about poor Makala, brain damaged as a puppy from being stuck in a box in the hot sun for several hours before being rescued? About sweet Mocha who can melt a heart of ice with her beseeching eyes? About prancing Sokkies, queen of the yard? 


"Maybe you can build a block wall to contain them," Evelyn had suggested. I laughed at the thought. Contain my ninja dogs? I had built a fence around a section of the yard to keep them away from visitors. They escaped. Many times. Over, or under, or through the fence. Whatever it took to not be separated from people.

If I commissioned a wall, it would have to be dug four feet into the ground so they couldn't dig under and four feet high so they couldn't jump over. And still, I couldn't guarantee they wouldn't escape somehow. No, they needed new homes. The problem was, I had already tried that. And failed.

"Can't God just take care of the problem?" I said, exasperated, and wilted further into the chair. 

My innocent-looking ninjas: Makala & Sokkies

All the next day I worried and prayed about the dogs. What to do? I called someone to ask if she would take Makala and Sokkies. She would be willing but couldn't for at least two, maybe three, weeks. I saw a message from Evelyn after a long day of visiting supporters.

"Alberto (the guard) said he already found homes for two of the dogs," she said, "and has promised to continue looking after Mocha himself." I wanted to throw my hands in the air and shout hallelujah! Praise God. My sweet Mocha is in good hands and the other two found a home. He took care of the problem for me.


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