Accomplishing Goals

Imagine a kid shoving an object in your face and telling you to look at it. Can you see it clearly? Probably not. The object is too close to focus on. You have to put space between you and the object in order to fully see it. In order to gain perspective.


Suddenly, it clicked in my mind. I looked at the "senior saints" sitting in front of me in the church room and then back at my PowerPoint presentation behind me. We had done it. My team had accomplished one of our goals. I had just shared with this group the original two-fold vision of the Pemba team in early 2019: Share the Gospel with the Mwani people and mobilize Mozambican churches/Christians to get involved in ministry among the Unreached People Groups (UPGs) in the area.

I looked back at the picture of the team in Nampula. There stood Nelio and Iza, a Mozambican couple now part of the team, with hearts longing to minister to the unreached in northern Mozambique. Not only that, but a Mozambican pastor has been partnering with the team, helping reach out to the Mwani in one of the Nampula neighborhoods. 

Praise God for this. I had been excited when I heard last year that Nelio and Iza would be joining the team. I had known it was an answer to prayer. But it wasn't until my presentation for this church group that I stood in a position to fully see and connect the dots to that original two-fold vision. 

While I sit here in Michigan, the team in Mozambique continues on with the ministry. Maureen, a Kenyan called to reach the Mwani, perseveres in her Portuguese studies while establishing relationships in the area. The newer team members, Roseli, Manoel, and Danielle (all Brazilians), are finishing their final orientation training in order to be even more effective in their full-time ministry.

God is good. Even the second part of the original two-fold vision has seen progress. More Mwani people are open to the Gospel than ever before. 

It's encouraging for me to see this. To see God raising up and calling others into the ministry. Equipping them and sustaining them. Over the past couple of weeks, I've been able to step back and get perspective on all this. Who knows what He is going to do through them? It will be exciting to see. 


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