Rule 39: No Such Thing as a Coincidence

My whole team back in Mozambique went to Pemba to do Home Stays this week. They each stayed in the home of a Mwani believer for a few days to learn about the Mwani culture and language. I'm thankful that each of my teammates had the privilege to do this even though I never could because of the attacks, Covid, and other factors.

When I asked Roseli how it went for her, she said it was great. The Mwani believer and her non-believing husband treated her super well. The husband surprised Roseli by helping his wife around the home, showing an interest in his kids and their education. This impressed Roseli since it's uncommon for a Mwani man to be that involved at home.

A picture Roseli took during her Home Stay

"The last night there," Roseli said, "I asked the Mwani believer if there was anything else she thought I should know about the Mwani culture. She looked me in the eyes and said 'it's very important to tell you that every unsaved Mwani is demon-possessed. I was before I became a follower of Jesus Christ. This ministry requires a lot of prayer and fasting. So pray and fast. God will cause the chains to fall.'

"I found this interesting," Roseli continued, "She also told me her freedom in Christ was a process that came about as she read God's Word. I find this exhortation from a Mwani believer to teach God's Word, to spend more time on our knees in prayer, to fast more, and to be more dependent on God very valuable."

Roseli shared this with me Thursday afternoon. On Wednesday, my mom's cousin had come to visit. He and my mom talked a lot while I only spoke to him briefly. Yet, on Thursday, only a few hours after I had listened to Roseli's message, he called me. Without knowing much about me, my story, or my ministry among the Mwani people this is what he said:

"Rachel, I had my devotion and prayer time this morning and I want to share this with you. Walk in your strengths and strengthen your weaknesses, work on them so you will be better equipped for your ministry. Work on your prayer life. Ask God to help you increase the amount of time you spend praying. He will if you are willing. Stay in the Word. Learn to abide." He included several Scripture passages as well.

If any of you have watched NCIS, you've heard Gibbs' Rule 39: There is no such thing as a coincidence. Roseli's message and my relatives phone call happened on the same day. They both emphasized similar things. No coincidence. Jokes aside, I believe when something comes up more than once, especially on the same day from different sources, God is trying to say something.

Ministry among the Mwani people is not easy. It's been hard these past three years. Lots of effort, many Gospel conversations, a lot of seeds planted, and little visible fruit to show for it. I'm tired. Physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually tired.

I hope my much needed time home will be one of refreshment. Yet, I feel God is exhorting me not to simply enjoy the comfort of home and family. No, this is a time He has given me to grow in certain areas, like my prayer life, so I can go back to Mozambique better equipped for ministry among the Mwani people.


  1. We will be praying for you as you make your trip grow closer to the Lord through His Word and prayer.

    1. Thank you for your prayers.
      I am back home with my family now.


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