Master's Classes
Am I crazy? Is this real?
During my first week back in Michigan I started researching what it would take to get a second degree in counseling. Mainly out of curiosity. And I had time to kill. Also, I regret choosing a Christian Ministries degree over counseling only because Christian Ministries had fewer credits than the counseling degree.
"You qualify for the Master's program," the admissions guy told me, "and you would get a discount as an alumnus." I told him I needed a few days to think and pray about it.
A Master's? I never thought I would even consider something like that, I thought, but if I were to do it, then I should make the most of my time in the US and see if summer classes are possible. I sent a message to the admissions counselor on a Wednesday afternoon asking about summer classes.
"Tonight's the deadline for applications," he said. "I would just need a character reference for you from a pastor or mentor and ask you a few questions."
I panicked for a second. Today? I haven't even decided if I want to go for my Master's! My curiosity about the hypothetical now stared at the face of a very concrete hurdle. Did I want to jump it? Besides, who could I get to write a character reference for me on such short notice? Miraculously, God worked everything out and the following day Clark Summit University accepted me into their Master's program.
A few days later I ordered my textbooks for my first class that started this past week. I found out after ordering my books that I had to read the first half of the first textbook by Monday. Praise God the book arrived on Monday, a few days earlier than predicted. I crammed the reading in. I managed to finish my first week of classes yesterday with 360 pages read in five days.
The biggest thing that stood out to me from this week's class is actually a continuation of last week's blog: When I read "we cannot do other people's praying for them," (Anderson p. 116) the conviction hit me hard. I'm guilty of sometimes asking people to pray for me but not praying for the request myself. God revealed yet another reason why I need to work on my prayer life. I know God will teach me much more throughout these classes, and not just about counseling.
Anderson, N., Zuehlke, T.,& Zuehlke, J. (2000). Christ centered therapy: The practical integration of theology and psychology. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan. p. 116
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