
Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday of last week were difficult days for various reasons, ending with a cyclone hitting Nampula. I felt PTSD rising in me as the wind and rain brought back memories of the cyclone in Pemba three years ago. My housemates, Maureen and Roseli, offered support and encouragement through it all.

On Saturday, I decided I would go to the English church on the other side of the city instead of the regular, local church by my house. I gazed at the mountain range rising behind Aidan and Gracie as they led worship. The beauty of creation, the fellowship of believers, and the solid food from the Word of God ministered to my soul.

"Apparently there's a crocodile in the swimming pool," Charity mentioned as I greeted her after the service.

Intrigued, I wandered over the school grounds where the church meets to the swimming pool. Others trailed behind me. Sure enough, a baby crocodile was chilling in the waters. After the entertainment of watching the workers catch it, Gracie, Maureen, Roseli, and I went to a nearby restaurant for lunch.

Gracie, Maureen, Roseli, me

We laughed, talked, ate delicious food, and enjoyed the beautiful surroundings. The time was a gift from the Lord. The bond of sisterhood I felt between such different cultures and personalities could only come from the unity of the Holy Spirit.

A few weeks ago I asked God to give me love for my roommates because I knew my own love wasn't enough. Three cultures living under the same roof can be challenging. I've seen God answer that prayer beyond my expectations, Sunday being just a sampling of that.


  1. Thank you for sharing your thoughts on sisterhood. I find that in my relationships with the ladies God has placed in my life.


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