Dynamic Team
Wait, I'm on one of the only American minority teams in all of Africa Inland Mission (AIM)? I had no idea! Well, I knew I was in the minority. I've always been surrounded by Brazilian teammates, but I didn't realize this was uncommon within AIM. Apparently, most AIM teams are majority American.
Not just that, we are one of the most culturally diverse teams within AIM. Brazilian team leader, majority Brazilian teammates, a new Mozambican couple, a Kenyan, and me. There are even significant cultural differences among the Brazilians.
What do all these differences mean? It could mean disaster if we didn't have one unifying factor: the Holy Spirit. We all love and serve Jesus Christ and want to reach the unreached people here in northern Mozambique.
The last two weeks of team training have been filled with laughter, fun, and food. We have gotten to know each other better. We've cried with one another. We have begun to learn how to carry one another's burdens and bear with one another.
In talking about our personalities this week several things came up:
"What if the relational-oriented people ignore the needs of the task-oriented people?"
"Can we learn to communicate effectively with so many different personalities and cultures?"
These are valid questions. The number one reason missionaries leave the mission field is conflict with other missionaries. I, for one, don't want to be a part of that statistic.
Some may consider our diversity our greatest challenge. However, Maureen reminded us the other day to focus on the beauty of our multi-cultural team instead of the difficulties. With God, it could become our greatest strength. Our love and respect for one another could become a shining testimony in the Mwani community.
Yes, God is the unifying factor in our lives! We are a part of His family! Love & prayers, Deb :)