What do you do when circumstances are not what you had hoped for?
When South Africa is locked down so you can't go to your friend's wedding? When all you can do is watch the live stream of her getting married in front of a few witnesses? When you had looked forward to staying with one of your best friends?
What do you do when your heart is not in the place you live? When your heart is in Pemba but it's too unstable to be there right now? When you had an incredible experience out in one of the districts and now struggle with being stuck in a city?
What do you do when one of the Mwani families you visit tells you they are being kicked out of the home they've been staying in? When you don't know where they are going or when you'll see them again? When you feel conflicted in your soul by the suffering and injustice around you and keep asking God why?
You remind yourself that God is in control. You remind yourself that He has a plan and a purpose in everything. You pray a lot, you trust Him, and then you take Taekwondo lessons.
Yes, Taekwondo. Because why not? It's a great stress reliever, good exercise, and valuable self-defense knowledge.
One of the MAF women is a black belt in Taekwondo. She teaches a few of us on Thursday afternoons and missionary kids on Friday afternoons. I've enjoyed learning and laughing alongside the other women.
Last week I had my first test... and passed! I even got to break the board. Now I've moved up from a white belt (beginner) to a yellow belt. It's nice to have a bit of diversion amidst all of the disappointments and challenges listed above.
Yes, God is always in control even though we don't always like what is happening. Wonderful that you are taking Taekwondo. I know a neighborhood girl who is middle school, and she has a black belt. Great exercise I am sure! Prayerfully, your friend, Deb :) HUG!