The Great I AM

I can be independent and stubborn at times. It's true. I think back to two years ago when Mama R asked me when I was going to hire a house helper. I didn't want to. I was capable of cleaning my own home and didn't need any help. Mama R helped me understand that it was expected of me to provide jobs for those in the community when possible. She introduced me to Mama F, a wonderful house helper! Now, I'm thankful for Mama F, for her friendship, hard work, and incredible ministry opportunity God has provided through her.

When Mama F came to clean on Monday, I played the song, O Grande Eu Sou (The Great I AM) for her. She broke into a huge grin, singing along to the parts she remembered. It's her favorite song but she hasn't heard it since I left in July.

I wanna be close / Close to Your side

So Heaven is real / And death is a lie

I wanna hear voices / Of angels above

Singing as one

Hallelujah / Holy, Holy

God almighty / The great I am

Who is worthy / None beside thee

God almighty / The great I am

As I fell asleep that night it struck me that the words O Grande Eu Sou (The Great I AM) may not make sense to someone who didn't know the Biblical context.

The next day, when Mama F arrived, I read the verses in Exodus where God reveals Himself to Moses as the I AM and again in John when Jesus also calls Himself the I AM. Her whole face was radiant as she connected those verses with the words to the song. She repeated the lyrics "não há outro" (None beside Thee). Oh, Father, she's so close!

She does not yet understand the seriousness of her sin nor her need for a Savior. She does enjoy listening to Christian songs, the audio Bible, or me reading a Christian storybook to her. She's hungry for the Truth. Pray that she will come to know the Great I AM as her personal Lord and Savior soon.

If you want to listen to this beautiful song in Portuguese, click here: O Grande Eu Sou


  1. Just beautiful, Racheal!!

  2. What a blessing Rachel!! We pray for Mama F, and we know you are a precious blessing to each other. I passed along the song that you shared to my friend (who was born & raised in Brazil) and her family who live in the Wheaton area. Prayerfully, your friends, Dave & Deb :) HUGS!

    1. Thank you for praying for Mama F ❤️
      I hope your friend enjoys the song 🙂


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