Return to Pemba

I wove around all the potholes that filled that section of the road as I followed my team leader's car. The city of Nampula lay hours behind us and Pemba before us.
Earlier in the trip our team leader blew a tire and we stopped to fix it on the side of the road while several people from the village nearby watched or offered to help.
We all had mixed emotions as we returned. Some excited to be going "home." Others apprehensive as the future is so uncertain at this point.

On Friday we received the go-ahead from our AIM leadership to return to Pemba. The insurgent situation in the north of Mozambique has not improved by much, but nothing majored happened near Pemba during our time away. We were all grateful that the rumors we had heard turned out to be just that - rumors.

The government of Mozambique seems to be taking more proactive measures regarding the insurgents. We all hope and pray that the situation will improve, for the sake of the people who are suffering because of it and also for the future of our team's ministry in this area. We would appreciate your prayers for this as well.

I will be sending out a newsletter next week with more details, if you do not already receive these and would like to, please let me know.


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