Back to Kindergarten

(picture in another language)

This is a cup.   (pause)   This is a cup.   (pause)   This is a cup.   (pause)
This is a plate.   (pause)    This is a plate.   (pause)    This is a plate.   (pause)
This is a fork.   (pause)   This is a fork.   (pause)    This is a fork.    (pause)

Where is the plate?  (everyone points)
Where is the cup? (everyone points)
Where is the fork? (everyone points)

Rachel, where is the cup?
Ana, where is the plate?

A long-time AIM couple have come to do team training with us. The wife is teaching us various language learning techniques and the husband is giving team advice and ideas to help us thrive in our diversity.

From 8:00 to 10:30 we meet as a team, then 10:30-12:30 our language helpers join us to do language activities to teach us Kimwani. In the afternoons, we go out in pairs to practice our new words/phrases in the Mwani community.

It’s been great learning from this experienced couple as a team so we can encourage and hold each other accountable. We’re all grateful, even though switching between three languages and learning so much is tiring.

Pray as we finish on Monday for strength to end well and to stick to using what we have learned.


  1. Rachel you are so smart. I know you can do it. I will keep praying for you in this 🙏🙏


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