16 Years Later

Imagine holding onto childhood memories for 16 years. Always longing to return one day.

Imagine the anticipation of knowing you are finally returning.

Imagine the turmoil of emotions: wondering what it will be like 16 years later, desiring to see old family friends, to explore your cherished places again.

Oh, the joy that filled my heart to spend several days in Nairobi with old friends! Thank you, God, for granting me this gift. 

The 10 day stop in Kenya was primarily for a conference with AIM, but I had several extra days to spend with friends before continuing on to Mozambique where I am finally adjusting and settling in.

I remember the giraffe park well. I used to love feeding the giraffe and walking around on the warthog trails. My older brother and I had a combined birthday party scavenger hunt on those trails years ago. 
Last Sunday, my family friend, Aunt Margie, took me to visit. What a special treat for me, especially to enjoy with her. :)

The conference was also really good, encouraging, challenging, tiring (from all the information and meeting new people), uplifting for my soul. I loved worshiping with so many others one in heart and spirit.


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