37 Days Left!

Today held a few surprises for me! Both ups and downs...with steady faith.

Yesterday I thought I had $115 of monthly support left to raise.

This afternoon I received three unexpected pledges totaling $90 of monthly support. Leaving me with what I thought was $25/monthly left to be cleared for departure.

This evening I received a phone call from a church with monthly support pending at a certain amount which is now pending at half of that.

Now, in God's sovereignty, I have $287/month left before AIM will clear me to leave.

I'm counting down to December 13 when I need to have 100% financial support in order to be cleared to depart January 8. 

Knowing God is faithful, especially after watching how He has provided for me up to this point, I'm preparing to leave in 37 days.

37 Days!

Wow, I can't believe I'm already that close to leaving. Soon I'll be settled in Pemba, Mozambique and getting to know the Mwani people!
Praise God!
Image result for 1 thessalonians 5:24


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