Tent Camps

Tent Camps
Passionate music, bucket showers, sleeping on the ground, cold nights, warm hearts, dancing, no English, heaping plates of rice with whole fish, thatch/bamboo church buildings, curious children, and very receptive people. 
Just a few things to describe what the two tent camps were like that I helped with here in Mozambique. Very different from everything else I have done so far but one of my favorites by far. I loved experience a whole new side of the ministry and be deeply immersed in the African culture. God worked in the hearts and lives of the youth who attended. Several placed their trust in Jesus Christ and others were further challenged in their walk with the Lord. Sometimes I felt like a bystander because of the language but I count it a privilege to have been a part of God's plan. 
(pictures to come at a future date)

Praise the Lord for His help in learning Portuguese! I have been stretched, especially this past week and though it was hard and exhausting, there has been large improvement in both my comprehension and speech. I am able to have basic conversations with people and I shared my testimony in Portuguese to three girls who came for discipleship at the house I am staying in this week! I still have a lot to learn but this has been very encouraging for me. 


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