Never Stop
Ministry: I am teaching the lesson next week at Zandspruit! Please pray for me as I prepare both the lesson and my heart for this opportunity. While most of the kids speak English some of the younger kids are still learning it and do better in their own language so I will probably have an interpreter to help.
(Never stop helping or teaching others)
Manual driving: Excitement! My practice has been officially put to the test. I have practiced my manual (stick) driving a few times since landing in South Africa on January 20 but only on our dirt road where it is safe. This last Wednesday I got to take the manual car out on the main road and I was super happy. :) I still have areas to work on: my right foot needs practice gently pushing down on the accelorator at the same time my left is easing up on the clutch so I don't stall, I need to be able to change gears without looking, and I need to make better use of the e-brake when at a stop. Driving on the left side felt perfectly natural and comfortable. A little more practice and I will be able to run errands.
(never stop practicing)
Classes: Yesterday I turned in my last work for the eight week class I was taking with Summit University. I am now on a week break before the next class starts up. Personal Life of the Ministry Leader was such a good class and I learned a lot. Four main lessons stood out:
1. The importance of cultivating humility in my life
2. The need to keep God in the center of my life
3. How to use tools/principles to grow in my relationship with the Lord
4. I must never stop training for godliness!
Have you stopped training for godliness?
Never stop!
(Never stop helping or teaching others)
Manual driving: Excitement! My practice has been officially put to the test. I have practiced my manual (stick) driving a few times since landing in South Africa on January 20 but only on our dirt road where it is safe. This last Wednesday I got to take the manual car out on the main road and I was super happy. :) I still have areas to work on: my right foot needs practice gently pushing down on the accelorator at the same time my left is easing up on the clutch so I don't stall, I need to be able to change gears without looking, and I need to make better use of the e-brake when at a stop. Driving on the left side felt perfectly natural and comfortable. A little more practice and I will be able to run errands.
(never stop practicing)
Classes: Yesterday I turned in my last work for the eight week class I was taking with Summit University. I am now on a week break before the next class starts up. Personal Life of the Ministry Leader was such a good class and I learned a lot. Four main lessons stood out:
1. The importance of cultivating humility in my life
2. The need to keep God in the center of my life
3. How to use tools/principles to grow in my relationship with the Lord
4. I must never stop training for godliness!
Have you stopped training for godliness?
Never stop!
What good encouragement and sharing :) Love you!