Blessings: a Portuguese tutor, a job, etc...

A professor from Cornerstone, at our house?! With his family? From Brazil?! What a privilege! Five Brazilians all around our dining room table enjoying the Brazilian meal and helping me learn Portuguese. This was such a blessing and I thoroughly appreciated it. Last night I went a step further and met with my Portuguese tutor for the first time. She is top notch, explaining things well, encouraging yet pushing me. We will meet twice a week to get me as far ahead on the language as I can be before I leave in January. 

In other exciting news...   I have been approved to work part time for Child Evangelism Fellowship in Muskegon to help Karen Dear, the director, and further their ministry outreach through the Christmas Across America clubs! I will be in Muskegon on Wednesdays and Thursdays in the CEF office as well as helping out at Awana on Wednesday evenings.

Last week I celebrated the completion of two online classes with Summit University towards my bachelors degree in Christian Ministries. Only 40 more credits to go...

God is continuing to provide partners who are committing to pray and give financially. 


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