What an incredible journey I've begun! In the last two weeks several new and exciting things have happened. 
  • I turned 21
  • I started support raising for my two year Cross Cultural Internship with Word of Life Mozambique
  • God has provided above and beyond what I expected in several areas
  • The first gift towards my internship came in
  • Several people have been an encouragement in unexpected ways
  • I learned more about Word of Life Mozambique (Wol-MZ)
  • I got my ears pierced
Watching God work is always a blessing and the events of the last two weeks have pointed directly at Him and His work. My mom received an email from an old friend in Kenya who said she wanted to partner with me, I heard from two 5-Day Club hostesses in Muskegon who have been praying for me and want to give what they can and I have not even seen them in two or three years, I've personally met with ten individuals or families and shared my heart and all them were an encouragement to me. I thank God for these (and other) blessings.

It's good to be back home with my parents and friends, enjoying the fellowship at church again, catching up with people I haven't talked to in a while, and making a few new connections. 

I am also learning Portuguese: "Eu gosto de meus familiar" (I like my family), oi=hi, obrigada=thank you, por favor=please, abacaxi=pineapple, voce=you, menina=girl. :)

(and if you haven't seen the War Room movie I would highly suggest it)


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