God is Good

I could have been discouraged, I could have given up, but I chose to trust God. Before I went down to Illinois I was a little discouraged because several people I wanted to see were busy. But God had just the right people for me to talk with and as I drove back from Illinois I was praising God for what He had done. I got to share about my Cross Cultural Internship to Mozambique, spend quality time with family and a close friend, and left with new support (prayer, encouragement, and $250 of monthly commitments). 

I have been in communication with Carlos, the Word of Life director in Mozambique and he sent me this picture of the 6 missionary couples that are serving Mozambique in the three southern provinces.

One of the couples is Mozambican (in the midddle) and to the left of them is Carlos and his wife. The rest are all from Brazil. I am looking forward to joining them in June of next year, after spending February to May in Brazil for language school.

Please continue to pray that I will remain focused on God and the tasks at hand, not distracted by the things the world is throwing at me. 

Are you discouraged about anything? Could you choose to trust God with your circumstances?


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