The two that didn't get along well last week were both going to be here again this week and I knew that they had not resolved the conflict between themselves and I wanted them to, so last Saturday night while I was praying I asked God to give me two girls from last week to me again this week, even though that basically never happens and I knew it would be very challenging for me. Sunday afternoon I was called up to get my first camper and guess who it was? Yes, one of the two from last week! I was super excited and told one of my counselors that I had asked God for her again. The other girl was a day camper, so we didn't find out until later that night during roll call that she was also going to be in our group. I grinned and looked at the other girl, who looked back at me with horror on her face and shook her head no. Monday they were actually good with each other, but by Wednesday they were having issues again. I kept talking to them individually throughout the week, but Friday was the day that I made the time to really focus on just the two of them. After talking to both of them separately I called them together and they apologized to each other for the way they had been treating each other. I was very proud of them, for their age and what they'd both been through in their past they did a good job. I'm so thankful that God answered my prayers and allowed me to work with both of them for an extra week. 

This last week I definitely feel God was teaching me how to combine both love and discipline. There were multiple times throughout the week that I had to be firm and command the girls to listen and obey, but afterwards I would come alongside them and remind them of my love for them. Tuesday was the worst/best case. One of our girls was trying to get away with something wrong, and I wasn't going to allow her to. We basically had a face off in front of everyone till she finally, stubbornly backed down, whispering to her friend that I was mean and proceeded to ignore me all the way to lunch. All the other girls couldn't understand why she was mad at me because they understood and agreed with how I had handled the situation. Later in the afternoon I pulled that girl aside and explained what she had done wrong, why I had been firm with her, but reassured her of my love and how I had not wanted to be firm with her. I could tell she understood me and she surprised me by apologizing without me having to ask her to. Our relationship was restored and we both learned valuable lessons from God.

This week was honestly emotionally draining... I can feel the long summer starting to wear on me and the only way I can keep loving these girls is because I'm asking God to pour His love into me and right out into their lives. However, I am thankful for my awesome Unit Leader, Emily, wonderful co-counselors, and doubly thankful for my amazing parents who flew all the way from Michigan to hang out with me this afternoon!!! (they had two other things they were doing on this trip too, but they love me enough to do that) :)


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