My Joy Pendulum

My internal pendulum swung back and forth. The peaceful rhythm brought a smile to my face. I felt great, back to my old self, with none of the negative symptoms from earlier this year. Then I woke up on Tuesday; life had thrown me a curveball. It knocked me off balance.

I couldn't write my newsletter for fear that an upcoming decision would void everything. I waited for events to unfold. I needed to do something joy-filled to counterbalance the curveball and keep the pendulum swinging. I placed the curveball in God's hand and focused on editing my children's chapter book. 

A harrier hawk carried me off to the African savanna where I followed the journey of a bushbaby. My characters' personalities came to life before my eyes. Scenes turned 3-D and a terrible mistake about a kingfisher's diet got fixed. Writing restored my joy pendulum. 

Pendulum Clock

Finding Joy to counterbalance hardships and keeping the pendulum swinging is one of the assignments from the retreat I attended in October. Curveballs come. Life happens. Difficulties arise. Yet how I respond to those challenges makes all the difference. 

God is the Creator of joy. The Christmas season is a great reminder of that. The birth of Jesus brought joy to angels, shepherds, and wise men. This season, He gave me the joy of writing.

What activities, hobbies, or memories brings you joy? I'd love to hear about them in the comment section below. :) 


  1. Hey Rach, I went carolling with my church fam and it brought me so much joy!

    1. That's great to hear!!! :)

      Carolling in warm weather would bring me joy. I've only carolled in the snow and cold.

  2. Making baby footprint ornaments with my husband and little guy. :)

  3. Thank you so much for sharing that as difficulties occur in our lives, that how we respond makes all the difference. As you well know, we have an all powerful God who has given us the Holy Spirit to give us His peace, comfort , and strength that we need to live each day. Dave & I both receive such joy from God when we take our daily two mile walk through some beautiful woods by our home. Just about a week ago we saw three deer on our walk. :) HUGS!

  4. Thanks for your honesty and transparency in both of your latest letters. As I find my joy waning, I mentally tell whatever or whoever that they do not have permission to steal my joy! And then yes, I look for something little in the situation, or outside the situation, and find God in that. That brings me joy, and the joy of the Lord is my strength!


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