Nikidili! (Language Journey)
"Nikidili!" I exclaimed exuberantly and Mama R grinned back at me.
I had successfully accomplished a difficult task in my language learning lesson and I had learned how to say "I did it" to express my joy.
Two months ago it would have been a completely different story.
What has made that difference? God

Who would have guessed that by age 25 I'd be learning my third language?
Not me
It's been a challenge this year functioning in my second language (Portuguese) while trying to learn my third language (Kimwani).
There are definitely times when I get discouraged. Days that I feel like I haven't learned anything. Moments where I stare at someone with a blank face because I have no idea what they said or how to respond. Lessons where my language teacher gets frustrated because I can't remember anything she has taught me.
But this week has been such an encouragement! I've had several people comment on my Kimwani, that I'm learning well, that I'm succeeding.
What has made that difference?
When I started I was trying to do it in my own strength.
But two months ago I was reminded who taught me Portuguese: God.
I was terrified of learning Portuguese and constantly asked God to help me learn it, and He did. I knew that it was only in His strength I could do it and He answered in an incredible way. The only explanation for my success in Portuguese is God.
So why did I think I could learn Kimwani on my own?
Why have I been striving in my own strength this year?
I forgot I need God's help to learn it. It's the only way I will succeed.
The past few weeks I have been asking God to teach me Kimwani, and this week I have seen Him answering that prayer!
I praise God for this, and pray He continues to help me learn Kimwani. For the sake of sharing the Gospel with the Mwani people who desperately need to hear it and to bring glory to His name.
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